This is stunning I had no idea about all this until I came across this blog article of yours over here. And I have a question for you. Do you have any useful information on how to protect your posts from being stolen without notifying you about it?
Hi there, thanks for appreciating this. Well as far as stealing information is concerned, it's not really possible to find out whether someone has copied information from your posts unless you keep a check for duplicate content every week or once a month maybe. That way you would know where eve the information from your blog appears on the internet. Let me know if this helps.
This is stunning I had no idea about all this until I came across this blog article of yours over here. And I have a question for you. Do you have any useful information on how to protect your posts from being stolen without notifying you about it?
ReplyDeleteHi there, thanks for appreciating this. Well as far as stealing information is concerned, it's not really possible to find out whether someone has copied information from your posts unless you keep a check for duplicate content every week or once a month maybe. That way you would know where eve the information from your blog appears on the internet. Let me know if this helps.